Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter 26

Honestly, I dont know where should I start.

Birthday Party? Everyone says that it was awesome and definitely one of the most original party ever. Party started off with dinner, then worship band, and a testimony from me, of course not forgetting a thank-you-speech.

I did not expect it to be so grand. Basically they helped decorated the whole place with banners, bubbles and some balloons. I was surprised at first. Gifts = birthday cards + cash + gift cards worth of $200! I could really use that. lol.

So the questions come back to "who will think of celebrating birthday in church?"

Me! Because I want to celebrate with all my close friends, and God. Even though God is everywhere but making it official to celebrate in the house of the Lord would be cool. I just think that my life is too blessed and the least I could do is to celebrate my birthday the right way.

Just like last semester when I made an A for Thermodynamics. I got 85, 58, and 66 for my tests and mid terms before going to finals. My finals was on Friday and I had 2 tests on the very same day. All I did was just studied the examples in the book and prayed that what I studied would come out. I guess you know the rest of the stories. Please tell me that you know I made a 99 in my Thermodynamic finals.

"When something happens beyond your own abilities or capabilities, you can't deny but to accept that there is something higher and divine which helps you through and that is what you called - God."- Me!

Like what I've said in the speech, "Somebody once told me that there's 2 most important events in your life: the day you were born, and the day you found out the purpose of your birth. 21 years ago, I was given the name Emmanuel by both my parents and God, which means "God with us"; 21 years later, I find out the purpose of living is to live for Jesus and serve the Lord."

I totally had fun during this Summer. And I'm still surprised that how I aced in my Spanish class. I did not study everyday apart from going to the class for 2 hours and so far I have lost 0.4% still and I've got few more days to finals. It is a 5 credit hours course and if I get a B, that would mess up my current 4.0 CGPA.

I remembered in the beginning of the semester where friends were going back and said that they would have fun and eat all the good food, I just told God that I want to relax, make a couple of new friends, and have fun. All of it has been fulfilled and God will never break His promises.

Also, I am stunned when I looked back on how I have improved my photography skill. It is never about the camera, 'cos I got the cheapest SLR, and cheapest lens! :p Here's some of my favorites from the last shoot!

I used to called them Julia and Jessica but they asked me to call them Jules and Jess now since we're kinda close. lol. Met them in this summer and we clicked pretty well. They're really sweet. Jules is definitely more confident in front of the camera. She's the big sister and Jess is really shy. lol. Im shy too.

And this Spanish instructor keeps on telling me that he is right, and I made a 99% where I actually made a 97%. What can I say?

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