Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter 26

Honestly, I dont know where should I start.

Birthday Party? Everyone says that it was awesome and definitely one of the most original party ever. Party started off with dinner, then worship band, and a testimony from me, of course not forgetting a thank-you-speech.

I did not expect it to be so grand. Basically they helped decorated the whole place with banners, bubbles and some balloons. I was surprised at first. Gifts = birthday cards + cash + gift cards worth of $200! I could really use that. lol.

So the questions come back to "who will think of celebrating birthday in church?"

Me! Because I want to celebrate with all my close friends, and God. Even though God is everywhere but making it official to celebrate in the house of the Lord would be cool. I just think that my life is too blessed and the least I could do is to celebrate my birthday the right way.

Just like last semester when I made an A for Thermodynamics. I got 85, 58, and 66 for my tests and mid terms before going to finals. My finals was on Friday and I had 2 tests on the very same day. All I did was just studied the examples in the book and prayed that what I studied would come out. I guess you know the rest of the stories. Please tell me that you know I made a 99 in my Thermodynamic finals.

"When something happens beyond your own abilities or capabilities, you can't deny but to accept that there is something higher and divine which helps you through and that is what you called - God."- Me!

Like what I've said in the speech, "Somebody once told me that there's 2 most important events in your life: the day you were born, and the day you found out the purpose of your birth. 21 years ago, I was given the name Emmanuel by both my parents and God, which means "God with us"; 21 years later, I find out the purpose of living is to live for Jesus and serve the Lord."

I totally had fun during this Summer. And I'm still surprised that how I aced in my Spanish class. I did not study everyday apart from going to the class for 2 hours and so far I have lost 0.4% still and I've got few more days to finals. It is a 5 credit hours course and if I get a B, that would mess up my current 4.0 CGPA.

I remembered in the beginning of the semester where friends were going back and said that they would have fun and eat all the good food, I just told God that I want to relax, make a couple of new friends, and have fun. All of it has been fulfilled and God will never break His promises.

Also, I am stunned when I looked back on how I have improved my photography skill. It is never about the camera, 'cos I got the cheapest SLR, and cheapest lens! :p Here's some of my favorites from the last shoot!

I used to called them Julia and Jessica but they asked me to call them Jules and Jess now since we're kinda close. lol. Met them in this summer and we clicked pretty well. They're really sweet. Jules is definitely more confident in front of the camera. She's the big sister and Jess is really shy. lol. Im shy too.

And this Spanish instructor keeps on telling me that he is right, and I made a 99% where I actually made a 97%. What can I say?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chapter 25

So it's my birthday and I have fun! haha.

will update soon! too tired to type anything right now!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chapter 24

I'm a happy man today.

Made a 96/100 in my driving test.

I got myself a driving license.

Now I'm waiting for dad to say yes, and the car is mine.
So blessed! Thank God for awesome life here.

21st Birthday is coming next weekend.

Birthday Card from OU. Signed by President Boren as well. lol.

Then have to focus for my finals.

Before going to Kansas City and meet up with Yanhui/Ryan.

Then to LA and meet up with Fangkai/Kahwei.

And start Fall semester.

Have fun being here! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chapter 23

Birthday is coming soon!! 10 more days and im so excited!! Woah!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chapter 22

I wanted to explore more and take more pictures during this summer. One of the ways to improve yourself is to keep trying and keep shooting. So I just texted Brynn the other day, saying, "I'm bored. Let's go out and take some pictures."

She's really a fun person to be with. We can be so goofy at times. 'Cos we are best friends. LOL. We stayed out till 9pm and decided to have some nice pancakes at IHOP.

The way we met is rather interesting. So I was looking for a Christian group and I went to the website, found her name, and texted her. Surprisingly, she came alone and picked me up to Latenite. I can't believe she would come alone and even pick up a stranger. LOL. Whenever we talk about that Tuesday night, we would laugh so hard 'cos it was just too funny.

If somebody texted you and asked you to pick them up, would you go? Think about it, it is rather funny and interesting!

This is baby Alice! She's so tiny! She's my housemate, Mat's niece. We went to his grandma's house for a 4th July celebration. Had some American home cook dinner, and played with fireworks and firecrackers till 11pm. $300 worth of goods! and no kidding, it was fun!

Driving test on Friday! Excited about that, 'cos I'm so gonna get a car soon. Well, hopefully I pass the driving test! LOL.

- toyota, nissan, hyundai, kia, mazda, ford. hmm.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Chapter 21

I realized that when you put God as the top priority in your life, things could be so different. You live a different life, a crazy life, and an awesome life.

You used to fix everything by yourself, with your own abilities, but the outcome will always be a) you get what you want, but you have to work so hard for it, or, b) you fail.

So, a boy is always bullied by his schoolmates. Wounded, bruised, and cuts. He tries to fight back but he always fails because he doesn't have the strength to do so. One day, his dad finds out what happens, and he decided to go to school with him. The bullies are up for it again, but it's a different story now. When they see the father, they are afraid and they run away. The boy is so happy, and his dad gives him a big hug, saying, "No matter what happens, I will always be here with you. I will protect you and love you, because I am your father. I love you."

No, I am not the boy. But I have a God that loves me so much and fills me with joy. He is more than just a God. He is a father, a friend, a comforter, a protector, that loves you and wants a relationship with you. I am not trying to be religious, or holy, I just want to share my joy with my friends. I am hurt, when my friends are hurt. All I can do, is just a simple prayer for all of them.

Jesus says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)

It's not that I don't have a problem in my life. But when you know that God is with you all the time, nothing seems too big for you anymore, 'cos God is so much more bigger than you think He is. He was there with me back in Malaysia, and definitely He is here with me in the States.

Being here for just 5 months and 17 days, God has done so much in my life. You may say that it's just coincidences. But there's just too many coincidences. I don't need to see God to believe in God. I believe in God to see Him. If all of us were assigned to write a book about our lives for the past 5 months and 17 days, what would you write? Believe me, I could write so much, not because I'm awesome, but God has done some of the most wonderful things in my life.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chapter 20

this is a radar for the plane

Every week is a busy week for me. Thank God for being so awesome to me! The other day I just went for this Air Force Show in Tinker Air Force Base, and it was cool to the max! It's something that you don't get to see in anywhere but America.

This is my awesome brother Andrew Lee

So, I will be having Spanish test tomorrow. I don't think I want to worry so much anymore. Just gonna run on the treadmill and swim, then study Spanish. espanol espanol! examenes examenes!! me no gustan examenes!

Will be meeting at least 4 awesome people this week. Before going for the 10 hours driver education course on Saturday. And I have an awesome plan for a birthday party! It's gonna be so cool.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chapter 19

As I get to know more people, and talk to more people, I find that life is indeed miserable at times. Everybody has their own problems. I would love to help. There is nothing more than just a prayer. I could only pray to God, that all of them will find joy.

Joy is different than happiness. Happiness, just that instant moment of emotion where it doesn't last long. Joy, from God's love, last forever. I have joy in the love of God. I am so blessed to have some of the most awesome people in my life here.

People complains about suffering, and that life is unfair, bad things happened to good people. I dare to say that this is not from God.

John 10:10 says "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

I am so desperate to see everyone rejoices in the love of God. Everyone has their stories, their encounters with God, in different ways, and all stories are unique. I have my story, and I am living in the story that continues to write about the glory and goodness of God.

I am so hurt, that my friends are having tough times, sick, and all sorts of things going on in their lives. I want to help, 'cos I know that it will be hard for them to fix the problems themselves.


and I miss my Malaysians friends. People like kuahkayee and yannhuoy, and fangkai and kahwei, 'cos we always do stupid things together.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chapter 18

I'm so crazy about Jesus right now.

If God is a girl, I would marry God right now. That's a metaphor.

I'm wondering why is my life so blessed. I mean, bad things do happened though. But when I think about the goodness of God in my life, I can totally ignore the bad things.

So, when the focus is not on myself, but rather of God, everything turns out to be good, and awesome.

I just want to love everyone, like how Jesus loves me.

Please allow me to serve you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chapter 17

I did an amazing thing just now.

A sense of accomplishment.

I was in the pool with Mat for the past 2 hours.

Figure out how to float and just look at the stars.

I couldn't do it a couple days ago.

Couldn't do it just now either.

So I went extreme, and try to swim.

You know what? I can swim now! Like seriously, holding breath and swim under water. Well, I still need to improve on my legs though. It was really scary at first, but I thought that 4 feet of water couldn't kill me, so I decided to have a go.

And swimming is my new addiction now. It is actually fun. Been swimming for 2 hours. I have to do it more often now!

Thank you Jesus!

-after all, it is not as hard as I thought it would be.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Chapter 16

I am so confident right now. I always say that I'm awesome, that is good in a way, not being arrogant, but I think it is time to be confident and do what I'm supposed to do.

Hang out with Brynn the other day and I had to be her victim this time. She's having a photography class and I had to be the victim. I'm so not used to it, because I love being behind the lens. Probably the fact that I'm having chubby cheeks makes me feel uncomfortable. Dang it.

I realized that I have improved in taking picture. I am not going into professional and I just like it this way. Everyone likes my pictures. Yay! That gives me lotsa confidence.

So I was thinking deep. Like a philosopher. I still couldn't understand how can people believe in the theory of evolution. Also, the big bang theory. Oh God, I pray for them that their eyes would not be blinded anymore, be opened! in the name of Jesus, Amen.

You have a box of Scramble, and you just pour it all out on the table. What are the chances of getting the word "Scramble"?

I pay more attention to the wonders of nature lately. Looking at the trees, and the high-class squirrels ('cos they study in OU, they drink Starbucks, and they eat nuts). So, they are all created unique and differently. Just like us. Even though we are all similar, but we are all different in a way. I have the rush to gather all the leaves and try to see if there is a pair of leaves that looks exactly the same. Even twins are different.

In my opinion, if the theory of evolution exists, everyone of us will behave the same, and look the same. People always ask about the existence of God. Just look around, it is too perfect for everything to be in place.

What are you reading for this summer? I am currently reading A Praying Life by Paul Miller. I love this particular paragraph because it kinda describes my life right now.

"When you stop trying to control your life and instead allow your anxieties and problems to bring you to God in prayer, you shift from worry to watching. You watch God weave his patterns in the story of your life. Instead of trying to be out front, designing your life, you realize you are in God's drama. As you wait, you begin to see him work, and your life begins to sparkle with wonder. You are learning to trust again."

That is so true. We always try to fix our own problems, try to be an adult, and thought everything would be ok. Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) And when you lay it all out for Him, and not to worry so much, everything will turn out fine. I still couldn't believe I made an A for my Thermodynamics. I just prayed and not to think about that much, and everything that came out for the finals were the ones that I read. I only read the examples, and my homework questions. That's all. Amazing.

- she's my bff, my sister, my driver, my leader, and my victim.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chapter 15

OK. It doesn't really make sense. I mean, the slogan?

Anyway, Christin is my mentor, my teacher, someone that I look up for during my confusion time with my camera. I don't mind getting harsh comments from her, because I could really learn alot from her.

Just a couple days ago, I receive a message from one of the staffs that works for National Chi Alpha. She saw some of the pictures that I've taken during the conference in Missouri, and guess what? She likes it, and she would like to use it for promotional purposes.

The feeling was awesome, and excited. Knowing that somebody recognizes and appreciate your efforts. Many people around me know that I am harsh on myself, and I always look for perfection. I would get annoyed by a small mistake. Everyone likes my pictures and I have receive so much compliments lately. God. That feels good, in a way. hahahaha.

I'm taking Spanish class now. It is not easy but of course I would try my best and start doing homework everyday! It is fun to learn new languages, I might want to learn French someday though. 'Cos I wanna be awesome!

Buenas tardes. Me llamo Emmanuel. Soy de Malaysia. Yo soy un estudiante excelente de la universidad del Oklahoma. Muchas gracias. Te amo. Hasta pronto!

For a moment, I thought summer would be dead boring. But thank God, You have given me so many awesome things to do this summer! woohoo!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chapter 14

I'm so encouraged these days. Being complimented on some of my works. I mean, pictures. I always strive for excellence, a perfectionist you might say. Those latest pictures of All Nations Conference that I uploaded in Facebook, took me 5 hours to edit and carefully selected through 780 pictures that I took.

I'm so encouraged these days. Being complimented by a friend who is majoring in Film/Video, who tells me about some great shots that I've made. I compared some of our pictures, and there is this common ground/ characteristics about our pictures. I'm getting there! For someone who does not have a proper lesson, it can be considered as "not bad."

I'm so encouraged these days. While I was reading a newsletter from Digital Photography School, it says, "Sun shining through trees makes for fabulous bokeh. Place your subject in an area where the sun isn’t hitting them, open up your aperture and zoom in."

This is the photo sample. (Courtesy of DPS)

By looking at it, I realized that there is this particular shot that I took looks similar.

I always think about what good would it be, for me to be so interested in photography/film. I am not going into any of these professions. Just recently, I found out why am I gifted with such a skill. I dare not to say "talent" because it's really just a "skill."

People always thought that I'm majoring in photography, or asked questions like "are you a photographer or something?"

er.. No. I'm not. That's just my hobby?

Anyway, I would be serving in my church and work as the tech guy. Kinda. To work things out and maybe up to the point of editing video. That would not be a problem for me. Everything makes sense now. God places me to serve Him in ways that I could not imagine.

That's why I always say, it just doesn't make sense for something to happen. God is in control. It's just like playing The Sims. You're the only one who knows what will happen next to your Sims.

- I'm so blessed. Wow